March 31, 2006


I need to balance my real life with my digital life... it seems i can't get hold of things here...
Ohh.. what crap.. u just look at this one..

Prestigio.... Part Two!!!

They are good... have a look

March 28, 2006

depth of perception

Prestigio.... The art of HI Tech

March 27, 2006

>> HP <<

I think HP loves blue...

March 26, 2006

The Eye that watches everything...

March 25, 2006

etc !!! The word is not enough...

the first yr guys asked me to make something for their new group called 'etc' ... here it is :::

gates2k6 Wallpapers

These are by me...

Do visit


To conceive mental images; think; imagine;

This blog is dedicated to the work of art done by people like me, and also sometime by me too.
Here you will find never seen before images. I dont say that they are mine.

All i say is that I collected them, and now wish to share...

Have fun..